A bronze medal and a $5,000 honorarium are awarded
Highest Volunteer Service Award
Richard E. Merwin Award for Distinguished Service Nomination Deadline: 1 October 2023, 11:59PM EDT
ABOUT THE AWARD The Richard E. Merwin Award is the highest-level volunteer service award of the Computer Society for outstanding service to the profession at large, including significant service to the IEEE Computer Society or its predecessor organizations.
ABOUT RICHARD MERWIN Richard Merwin was a pioneer in digital computer engineering who participated in the development of the ENIAC, MANIAC, and STRETCH computers. Despite a busy and productive technical career, Merwin found time to be active in professional societies, including the IEEE Computer Society, ACM, and AFIPS. His generosity of spirit and genuine helpfulness was an important element in the progress of the computer profession.
AWARD & PRESENTATION A bronze medal and a $5,000 honorarium are awarded. The Richard E. Merwin Award is presented at the IEEE Computer Society’s Annual Awards Ceremony.
NOMINATION SUBMISSION The nomination requires a minimum of three and a maximum of five endorsement letters. A completed nomination should be submitted through the IEEE nomination site (IEEE account login is required) by 1 October 2023 at 11:59 pm EDT.
Ineligibility: Franchised (voting) members of the IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors are not eligible to nominate, endorse, or receive any major named Society awards, other than
service award certificates. The franchised (voting) members of the IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors are the society president, president-elect, first and second vice presidents, the immediate past president, and the twenty-one elected members of the board.
Ineligible for the Richard Merwin Award: Award Committee members, Award Subcommittee members, and past CS presidents until 4 years after service is completed.
More about this award and past recipients View Nomination Questions (pdf)
IEEE Computer Society, 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle, Los Alamitos, California 90720-1314, United States